by DNH Administr@t | Feb 22, 2023 | FAQs, General Tutorials, Tutorials
A clothes dryer produces a significant amount of heat. In some larger dryers and commercial units, the internal temperature reaches over 170 degrees. To hit this temperature, the heating filament must push over 200 degrees. This generating of heat is critical for...
by DNH Administr@t | Feb 22, 2023 | General Tutorials, Resources, Tutorials
When you’re running the laundry, it’s important to understand that the whole thing is actually a rather complicated process. Not only are there a multitude of different parts to consider, many of said components are interlinked into larger systems. Knowing how...
by DNH Administr@t | Feb 22, 2023 | Resources, Tutorials
Photo credit to YourMechanic There are a lot of different things that can go wrong with your dryer, but don’t give up if it stops working. Instead, just move forward and do your best to fix up the machine. Dryers are surprisingly complicated, so you’ll need to be...
by DNH Administr@t | Feb 22, 2023 | General Tutorials, Resources, Tutorials
Dryers are an essential part of the household, but you can’t expect it to do everything for you. Dryers are complicated machines, and while they should normally run smoothly, occasionally, something in their systems will go wrong. That’s why you need to understand how...
by DNH Administr@t | Feb 22, 2023 | Dryers, Tutorials
You might be tempted to think that your dryer is just a simple machine that you use for laundry. But it actually contains a variety of complex mechanisms that work together to ensure that the dryer functions correctly. Damage to any of those components can hinder the...
by DNH Administr@t | Feb 16, 2023 | Dryers, Tutorials
Clothes dryers are a commonplace appliance in many homes. We often fail to consider the maintenance of many appliance workhorses. Dryers need some routine maintenance to ensure their safety and functioning over time. The replacing of a dryer hose is one of the...